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Eleven ways to Reduce Heat Loss in the Home

An energy-efficient Building is now a priority for most Home and Business Owners, and reducing Heat Loss is a must to maximise your Homes Energy Efficiency.

With Heating Bills on the Rise, using methods to prevent heat loss is proved to be a worthwhile investment.

There are many Simple ways to prevent heat loss which does not require Professional Help or Construction work, including;

  • Fitting Hot Water Cylinder with a Jacket

This could save you around £70 per year, and the insulating jacket is simple to fit around your Water Cylinder and cost as little as £20.00.

  • Draught Proofing

Whilst Draughts are essential to reduce Condensation and damp, they are not controlled and can let in excess cold Air.

If you find a Draught letting in excess cold Air and is a source for losing hot Air, you should consider blocking the source.

Examples of this could be

  • Unused Chimney 

A Chimney Draught Excluder can be placed in your Chimney to stop unwanted Draughts, However, you should never ignite a Fire or Turn on any Heating Source if you have put an excluder in your Chimney, as this is likely to cause a Fire.

A Chimney Draught Excluder will not need a professional to fit and will cost as little as £30.00.

  • Windows

If your Windows have air leaks, they may need replacing, and whilst this is effective in the long term, it will mean a significant investment.

Depending on where your windows are losing Heat you may be able to use Metal, Plastic or Foam Strips as a short term solution. 

Thick Curtains may reduce energy loss through your windows in the short term.

  • Doors 

Managing Draughts through external doors is essential to keeping Heat inside.

Check for Cold Spots around the Door and other areas, including the Letter Box and Keyhole.

There are several Products on the Market, including Hinged Letterbox Flaps and Brush Strips.

  • Floorboards and Skirting Boards

Draughts can come through any Gaps.

Floorboard and Skirting Boards Gaps should be filled using a Mastic or Silicon Type Filler.

This is an easy and cost-effective DIY solution.

  • Loft Hatches

Strip Insulation around your Loft Door Hatch will stop Warm Air from being lost in your Loft.

  • Pipework

The area around your pipes could have gaps in the wall which may be a source of lost Heat and a waste of energy.

These gaps can be filled with foam or silicone fillers.

  • Cracks

Any Cracks in your Walls should be checked by a professional, especially if they suddenly appear.

Heat can be lost through Cracks in the Walls, and a small crack in your wall with no Structural Implications can be quickly filled with Hard Setting Fillers.

All the above are quick and easy solutions to preventing heat loss.

Considering a Bigger Investment into your Home's energy consumption can provide years of return and save energy in the long term.

Cavity Wall Insulation 

Around a third of Heat is lost through your walls, so ensuring they are utilising insulating material is essential for your Home's energy efficiency.

A Cavity Wall is a gap between your Internal and External Walls.

Whilst, not all buildings have Cavity Walls; if your Home was built after the 1920s, it is likely to have Cavity Walls.

The inner Leaf of your Cavity Wall is likely to be built using Concrete Blocks, whilst the Outer Leaf is expected to be Built using Bricks.

Adding Insulation to Cavity Walls is done using Insulation Slabs, also known as Insulation Batts, or Injecting Insulation into your existing walls.

It is recommended to seek advice before installation. Most new properties or extensions will likely be Cavity Insulation Batts or Slabs.

A Detached Property could save up to £700 per year on energy bills by installing Cavity Wall Insulation.

If your property has solid walls that lose Heat, installing a cavity wall is still possible.

Installing a Stud Wall and filling it with Insulation should reduce heat loss, but there are many other factors to consider, including a reduction in room sizes.

Installing External Insulation to a Solid Wall would involve outer Insulation and then covering with Rendering.

Always seek advice from a Professional when considering installing Cavity Wall Insulation.

Loft Insulation

Loft Insulation is a hot topic right now and is seen as one of the most effective methods to reduce heat loss and make your building more Energy Efficient.

Up to 25% of Heat Escapes upwards, and insulation gaps or no insulation cause the most heat loss in your Home.

Loft Insulation is an Investment which will quickly provide a return and pay for itself for years to come, keeping your Home warmer in the Winter and cooler in the summer.

When combined with Cavity Wall Insulation, your living space will become much more comfortable all year round.

If your Loft is currently free from damp and Condensation, installation is relatively simple, installing Insulation Rolls or Batts between the Loft Joists.

There are some crucial factors to consider when installing Loft Insulation, and you should seek professional advice if you are unsure how to Insulate your Loft.

  • Cold Air

Your Loft will become much colder in Winter, which could produce more Condensation, Check adequate Ventilation is in place.

  • Storage Space

If you are using your Loft for Storage Space, you will likely have Boards laid over the Joists.

You should ensure a gap between the bottom of the boards and the Insulation as trapped Air flowing through will reduce the risk of Condensation.

  • Ventilation 

Whilst preventing Heat Loss may be the Top Priority, if there is no indoor air flowing through your Loft and Home, this may cause Condensation.

Use Vents, Air Bricks, and Grilles to ensure the Air continues to Circulate.

Insulating your Loft using 100mm Insulation could save you up to £600 per year on your Heating System Bills.

Insulating your Building is now key to its Occupants well being, saving money and contributing towards a net zero environment.

There are many more ways you can prevent heat loss in your home, whilst maintaining cool air in the hot summer months.

Financial Support is available for qualifying households to improve your homes efficiency and is information is available on the Governments Website improve energy efficiency. 



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