Wall ties need to be distributed evenly throughout a wall construction with a minimum number of 2.5/metre square, at a minimum distance of 900mm apart horizontally and 450mm vertically.
At window and door openings wall and frame ties need to be no more than 225mm apart.
Brick Wall Cavity Ties
Wall ties may all look the same but there’s a difference between type 2 and type 4 that should be on your radar. Type two are your general-purpose wall ties, perfect for domestic or small commercial projects. However, if your building height is limited to 10m then opt for the type four, lighter-duty wall tie.
Type 2 wall ties will get you up to three storeys, or fifteen metres in height without any trouble. Beyond that, you will need something more specialist.
Both types come in packs of 250 and three sizes for most cavity conditions from 75-100mm, 125mm and 150mm.
Timber Frame Ties
Timber frame ties have an entirely different job to do. The type 6 Expamet frame tie has to handle different rates of material movement as it ties timber to masonry while effectively retaining the masonry and being part of the moisture control system within a cavity.
Top Tip:
When working out how many ties are needed on a job a good rule of thumb is to allow a box of 250 for nine packs of bricks. This will give you enough to fit around all openings and ensure compliance, and even distribution across the walls.
Expansion Joint Ties
Expansion joints allow for movement, the expansion and contraction of masonry as temperature and weather conditions change through the seasons. Expansion joint ties ensure the stability of adjoining masonry panels without restricting this movement.
NHBC technical guidance states that spacing expansion joint ties at 300mm means that you don’t have to use cavity wall ties at 225mm as you would at a wall opening.
Reinforcement Ladders
You can use a reinforcement ladder to eliminate the need for a movement joint altogether as they laterally reinforce a mortar bed to control horizontal movement that can give rise to cracking. Ladders can also be used as a retrofit solution to repair cracks in existing masonry.
Insulation Clips
The universal insulation retaining discs also come in packs of 250 and are designed to fit over all wall and frame ties. These are essential when the specification states a partial cavity fill insulation is required.
For all your brickwork, masonry, and associated site requirements, don’t hesitate to get in touch to find out how we can help your project succeed.