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Whether it's the daily commute to work or a Weekend Shopping Trip, odds are you will come across Speed Bumps at some point.
The humble Speed Bump is familiar in the UK and many other Countries because they are so effective as a traffic calming device.
Of course, different types of Speed Bumps are used in Different Locations.
A Speed Bump could be located;
On the Road Surface
Car Parks
Work Places
Construction Sites
Private Road Surfaces
Different Types of Speed Bumps include;
Speed Humps
Speed Cushions
Speed Ramps
Road Humps
Sleeping Policeman
Cable Protector Bumps
Speed Bump is the core term used for all these traffic calming devices.
A Speed Bump could be a temporary or permanent measure and is typically highly visible and used to slow traffic and reduce accidents.
The Speed Hump is one of the most common types of speed bump and is commonly found on Private Roads, Car Park Situations, Private Driveways and Business Premises to enforce Speed Limits.
Often referred to as a Speed Ramp, they come in Sections and can be extended across areas to slow vehicles.
Speed Bump Kits are cost-effective and easy to install.
Because they come in sections, the Road Humps can be adapted to the required width whilst optimising for Vehicle Speeds, Emergency Vehicles and Pedestrian Safety.
Often made from Recycled Material such as Recycled PVC, Speed Bump Kits come with many advantages;
Maximum Visibility
Extra Traction
Anchor Kits
Mid Sections
End Sections
Enforces Speed Limit
If you decide to install speed bumps, you should consider UK Regulations and should not install bumps and speed ramps on Public Roads, which the Department of Transport regulates.
Concerning Speed Bumps on Private Land, there are still rules and regulations, and the Local Authority generally imposes these.
Speed Bumps should be used correctly and be easy to remove if necessary.
Always check with your local authority before installing Road Humps.
When using Speed Ramps Kits, there are two sizes to consider;
Once you have chosen your size, you can select a variety of lengths to suit and optimise vehicle speed.
Kits can be purchased between One Metre and Ten Metres and include the rounded ends and Bolt Anchor Kits for easy installation.
What Tools do I need to install a Speed Ramps Kit
Hammer or Mallet
Tape Measure
Safety Glasses
Warning Signs
That depends.
Humps slow cars, and driving over at high Speed is likely to impact a part of the underside of your Car or damage your tyres.
Speed Restrictions are in place to encourage drivers to take extra care in that area and prevent traffic accidents.
Speed Bumps are here to stay for now with a Proven Track Record in Traffic and Pedestrian Safety.
Lets, embrace the humble but effective Speed Bump keeping us all a little bit Safer.
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